Illegal Fly Traders

Do you have illegal shops or mobile venders trading on  your land  or your clients without authorization?

Fly Traders in Your Shop

Wharehouse raves or Parties

 Illegal Burger Vans on Industrial estates

We can help

Beacon Enforcement are specialists in the removal of Fly traders

Contact Us for our Enforcement team to start removal Now

Please fill in the form below to act under common law, which is the warrant to start action and avoids costly court action.

Police will be notified of intentions and actions before and after.

We keep the client updated as the eviction process is on going.

On common law evictions we usaully have a minium of two Certificated Enforcement Agents, who wear bodyworn cameras, to record the Eviction.

If needed, we can arrange Security & Dog Patrols, Concrete Blocks & Sitex Building security.

Unauthorised Traders Removal Enquiry

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Plymouth 01752 936084

Exeter 01392 98457

Cornwall 01872-492104

24hr Number: 07966 4395858

Warrant to Repossess Land

Certificated Bailiffs/ Enforcement Agent Suite 6003, 24-26 George Place Plymouth PL1 3NY


  • I/We herby Authorise You, A Certificated Enforcement Agent, To Effect The Removal Of Unlawful Occupants On The Land Described Below, Using The Common Law Authority Found In Halsburys Law of England