County Court Residential Re-Possessions

Residential evictions through the County Court can take many months, causing stress, grief and loss of revenue to landlords.

There is lots of help for tenants, Councils will tell the tenants to stay put, until the Court Bailiffs (Court Enforcement Agents) arrive then, once officially homeless they will be given a rented property!

We can provide a Beacon Enforcement Agent (Certificated Bailiff) to be present during a County Court re-possession.

This helps by:

If you feel uncomfortable or cannot attend at the appointed time of possession, we will act as, your agent at the property. This often makes the eviction process quicker because the tenant, will usually try to argue with the Landlord to delay the process.

Sign the warrant and assist the Court Bailiff in his or her duties.

We can provide a professional locksmith and Sitex if required (window and Door screens) to stop breakings.

We can also provide a temporary alarm* that is placed in the property and will notify Keyholders of attempted breaking.

Sign the warrant and assist the Court Bailiff in his or her duties.

We will also, conduct a robust and thorough search of the premises, this will ensure the property is totally secure.

We also provide a service, for the evicted tenants to re-enter the property to collect their belongings (within the judges recommended seven-day period after possession). we will supervise site re-entry and update the client.

Unclaimed goods of value can be sent to auction and all rubbish cleared by Beacon Enforcement on the Landlord’s request.

County Court Residential Re-Possessions

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Plymouth : 01752 93608  Exeter    : 01392 984577    Cornwall  : 01872 492104