If you have people or persons staying on your land call Beacon Enforcement today
01752 936084
01392 984577
24hr No : 07966 439585
Common Law Evictions
Do you need to quickly and efficiently evict Trespassers from your Land?
Using common law, A landlord can request a Trespasser or persons unknown using a Certificated Enforcement Agent(previously known as Certificated Bailiffs) to leave private land and can use reasonable force, to evict him from the land, if persons do not leave on their own accord.
A landlord will provide a written notice(we provide this) to the Trespassers via the Enforcement Agent,this describes the dimensions of the land or if a map is not available.
The notice is served will outline that they have as little as 2 hours notice to leave, if they fail to leave the notice will set out the consequences,these would be removal of persons, vehicles and Chattels.
The Process
We normally act within 24 Hrs of instruction, sometimes faster
You need to let us know how many people on site, also if any vehicles on the land.
We need keys and a contact to meet us at nearby the location point. I
Police will be notified of intentions and actions before and after.
We keep the client updated as the eviction process as it progesses .
On common law evictions we usually have a minimum of two Certificated Enforcement Agents, who wear body-worn cameras, to record the Eviction.
If need we can arrange Security & Dog Patrols, Concrete Blocks & Sitex Building security.