Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)

Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)

Commercial landlords under CRAR( Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery ) have rights under the law to use Bailiffs (Certificated Enforcement agents)demand payment or remove goods or assets.

We are based in Plymouth and provide a Nationwide independent Bailiff enforcement service, specializing in commercial rent arrears recovery (CRAR), to put it bluntly, we get your owed commercial rent paid!

When tenants fail to pay, we will respond with fast service and at no cost to the Landlord.

Using the Enforcement powers that only we can use, to enforce CRAR (the replacement for Distraint for Rent) and recover your outstanding rent.

Whether its Shops, Industrial Units, Offices, Kiosks, etc. We can get your owed rent back.

We’ll recover your rent arrears – fast!

We operate under the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, which was brought into effect in April 2014, and which replaced distress for rent, using section 72 which allows a commercial landlord to use Schedule 12 ( taking control of goods) which enables us to recover rent payable from the tenant, without needing to attend a court.

For more information about free rent collection service, please call 

Plymouth  01752 936084

Exeter        01392 984577

                         Cornwall    01872 492104                          


Over £735,000 worth of Unpaid Rent Collected!

To start the collection process, just fill in the Warrant of Control below

Proud members of Plymouth chamber of commerce

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting Beacon Enforcement

Collect Owed Rent

We collect your owed commercial rent, cost-free to landlords!